SATSA’s Directors oversee strategic and policy-based decisions concerned with the running of the organisation.
Board members are constituted as per the SATSA Memorandum of Incorporation.

Composition of the Board

  • Each Chairperson of a Chapter recognised by SATSA shall be ex officio Member of the Board 
  • Six Directors are appointed by the Voting Members at the SATSA National AGM
  • Additional Directors may be co-opted from time to time by a Special Resolution of the Board
  • A Treasurer appointed from outside the Members of the Board shall be an ex officio Member of the Board
  • The Chief Executive Officer shall be an Executive Director

Director Term

  • Each of the Directors shall be appointed to serve for a period of 3 years
  • Two of the 6 Member-appointed Directors shall stand down at each AGM at the end of their term and may stand for re-election. There is no limit to the number of terms or years which an ordinary Director may serve

Current Directors


Oupa Pilane

Ex Officio

Trevor Hewett

Treasurer / Social & Ethics Chair

Rob Hetem

Co Vice Chair

David Frost

Chief Executive Officer

Andre du Toit

Adventure Chapter Chair / Safety & Security Chair
Ex Officio

Anne Briggs

Mpumalanga Co-Chair
Ex Officio

Bunny Bhoola

KwaZulu-Natal Chair
Ex Officio

Dewald Cillie

Value Add Chair

Gavin Eyre

Youth Chair
Ex Officio

Julius Ramotse

Central SA Chair
Ex Officio

Marilda Wiegand

Limpopo Chair
Ex Officio

Martina Barth

Western Cape Chair
Ex Officio

Melissa Brockman

Mpumalanga Co-Chair
Ex Officio

Nicole Tunmer

Garden Route Chair
Ex Officio

Phakamile Hlazo

AID Chair

Phina Muthige

Gauteng Chair
Ex Officio

Rachel Nxele

Responsible Tourism Chair

Shaun Strydom

Marketing Chair

Suzanne Benadie

Membership Chair

Tim Louw

Youth Chapter
Alternate Director