SARS & the Tourism Industry

VAT and Inbound Tourism

The issue of VAT and how it applies to inbound operators has been a cause for concern for some time.

To seek clarity on the matter, SATSA contracted the services of PwC and more recently with BDO to assist in approaching SARS with an equitable solution on how VAT is applied by DMCs.

Our objective is to request that the margin be zero-rated and a line in the sand be drawn, together with an amnesty for any historical amounts that may be outstanding. Ultimately, we want a level playing field that allows our inbound sector to operate competitively.


To read the latest VAT news, click here


SARS Traveller Declaration

SARS introduced and piloted a new online Traveller Declaration system and is now ready to start rolling out to more airports and border points across South Africa.

You can download a quick and useful step-by-step infographic here

They also have a very helpful website which provides details on:

How the South African Traveller Declaration System works

What to do once you’ve completed your declaration

What you will need

Before you travel

Complete your declaration

Arriving in or leaving South Africa

Useful links

Need help?

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