Tour Operators Workshop: Free State

Industry & Government News

The C-BRTA, are planning to conduct a Tour Operators Workshop on 20 February 2024 in the Free State, Bloemfontein.


The workshop is mainly to engage with tour operators on topical and crucial issues, to meet the Agency’s target demographic, which is domestic tour operators, as well as to maximise the Agency’s visibility in the tourism industry in the Free State region.


Tour operators will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the C-BRTA management, have constructive dialogues on areas of concerns and/or challenges.


The targeted audience for this workshop is tour operators who currently do cross border operations to the neighbouring countries in the SADC region, as well as tour operators (including tour guides) who ply domestically.


The proposed programme will include:

  • A welcome address by the C-BRTA CEO
  • The role of stakeholder division within the industry [Operator Relations unit]
  • Process on applying for cross-border permits [incl. requirements] [Regulatory Services] Compliance issues [Profiling unit]
  • How the CBRTA can assist in the development of the operators [Industry Development unit]
  • Discussions of tour operator benefits and value proposition plan [All].


SATSA members are invited to the Tour Operators Workshop which is planned to take place on 20 February 2024 in the Free State.


Details of the invitations will be sent by next week. Please take note that additional workshops will be held in the Northern Cape on February 22 [precise location to be confirmed], Eastern Cape on March 07 [Matatiele], and Western Cape on March 19 [exact location to be confirmed]. 


Invitation to Tour Operators Workshop Bloemfontein


Invitation to Tour Operators Workshop Kimberley